Posting new entry on sunday, well its not my kinda thing actually. Sundays shud be spent lazing on yr couch, watching ridiculous programmes on tv, clicking to every astro channel and last but not least, dozing yrself off.
Alas, in tis euphoric mind of mine, last friday, i accidentally brought all my works back ( so dat I cud finsih doing at home).. well and till this very moment, I HAVE NOT touched em yet. so much for the resolution la kan!
On a lighter note, ( not talking about my bring works here tho), went to Mines yesterday. and again, going shopping on weekends is like going to the faculty on public holidays for me. ( have to admit tat I am a homely (la sangat) person). Anyway, since I ve promised someone to take her to shop ( and this is the only weekeend tat I d be free cos I m going back home next friday(YAy!, so nak taknak terpaksa la kuar jugak kan! and prior to tat there was like a string of threatening episodes occured ( I can be extra emotional first thing when I woke up in the morning, occay!), before I decided to go out ( tat was another story, not gonna highlight my childish attitude la kan). So off we went, in the midst of the hot day, and there were like, masyaalahhh ramainya umat kat MINES tu. I managed to come back at 3.30, exhausted of course, especially the knee. Luckily have a niece yg rajin nak turun bawah beli lauk untuk buka posa.
Even went to bed early last nite. The eyes were a bit uncomfortable since the morning.. a bit sandy some more. Must be the impact of weeping tragically at 5.30 am while watching a rerun of Seputeh qaseh ramadhan on tv. See.. betapa emotionalnya aku di pagi hari.
Actually its the starting of caratct formation in my cornea. I was told by the endocrinologist when i was in the ward last time. She can even see it from afar, and when i took a close look of my eyes infront'f d mirror, yes, i did notice a very thin foggy film in it. So next operation wud gonna be a cataract removal eh? TIDAK!
well,, Im getting older, tats for sure, ( not gonna brag much @ complain about it tho).. take as wat it is la kan.
I feel lucky enuff to have the loved ones around me, the family epecially ( well we dun meet much during tis fasting month tho), the concern colleagues, and a few othesr who still remember me as their friends ( not sure if I had one) last time I checeked i have NONE, lol! and its not my style to let ppl know how i am la kan. deep inside, i am still a stubborn one who knows for sure tat i can rake care of myself, well with a tiny help from my "angel".
hahhaa.. just thinking of my "childish but its so happened to be true 'remark during the yesterday's 'episode". .
"U know how they made me feel? OFFENDED!"
Well i guess, i ve been offended with so many people during so many ocassions last time, and I guess i ve made them offended as well. Tit for a tat!
so... to those whom ive treated wrongly with or without me realising em before..( aku taktau la sapa.. tapi mesti la ada kan!).. I m sorry for all my wrong doings, intentions, ideas, inclduing all thsoe worst imaginary plans tat I ve in mind to retaliate. Hahaha jahatkan aku.
yours truly infront'f the remnant temple of zeus, last august. It was a very hot day, and i nearly melted dat day, without a sunglass, my eyes cant even open properly. Hence, I bought a pair of sunglass yesterday, so dat this thing would never occur in the future. hahahaha. well am not gonna post a pic of new sunglass la kan.. nanti org cakap riak! huhuhuhu